Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Feast for the "other" Senses

I heart Cirque du Soleil. Ever since my first show - Saltimbanco. Stunts as art - there's nothing like it. I've seen every show to come through Houston and a couple in Vegas as well so obviously I was excited to attend a performance of the latest show to Houston - Ovo by Cirque du Soleil which runs through March 27th under the Big Top at Sam Houston Race Park.Ovo ("egg" in Portugese) is the awe-inspiring object of intrigue for the cast of insects and the biodiversity in which they exist.
The show has fantastic music, incredible costumes, humor, affection and the usual (but not) awe-inspiring displays of strength, stunts, mind-boggling contorsions, high-wire drama and a magnificent Pas de deaux on a swinging rope that was emotional in it's intensity.
While I think kids would love this show, it maintains the artistic beauty that one expects from Cirque. Do yourself a favor and escape to Sam Houston Race Park and experience OVO!

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